What Is Duel Diagnosis

And How Can You Help?

Stephen Tomutsa, MA, LPC, LCDC

Most individuals that consider counseling are unfamiliar with the term "Duel Diagnosis" or how to help those who suffer from it. In this short article, it is my aim to familiarize the reader with the concept and treatment of duel diagnosis. Everyone has heard of various addictions such as alcoholism, opioid dependence or cocaine dependence. Not everyone understands that along with addiction, nine times out of ten, there are underlying reasons for it that have not been addressed.

"Self medicating" is a term used to describe the form addiction most often takes. When someone is self medicating, they are usually attempting to treat the symptoms of an underlying issue with drugs or alcohol. When it comes down to it, anyone who suffers from chemical dependency uses the substance for one reason; to feel different. If you generally feel good about life there is little reason to use any substance, especially if one is an addict and faces the great risks and shame that comes with the disease.

Unresolved trauma, depression, anxiety issues and even ADHD are often co-occurring with substance abuse and dependence. When these underlying issues are not addressed, treatment can become a revolving door. After receiving addiction counseling, the individual with chemical dependency can find themselves able to achieve sobriety for a short time before life becomes overwhelming again, and they become discouraged or fearful in their sobriety and their dedication to sobriety begins to waiver. For most addicts, chemical dependency treatment alone has not led to sustained sobriety.

Unresolved trauma is a large contributor to chemical dependency as the addict must face the memories and emotions that they were using their addiction to escape from. In this situation, trauma counseling is very important! EMDR is currently considered best practice for helping those afflicted difficulties from past trauma such as childhood abuse, sexual assault or military combat. In other words, EMDR is the go to method for healing from trauma quickly. The vast majority of those who undergo EMDR treatment resolve and heal from the trauma that has held them back. They are able to leave the past in the past!

Anxiety issues are extremely common with those who suffer from chemical dependency. Mindfulness and meditation practices have greatly helped those who suffer from anxiety to be able to gain peace of mind without turning to the miserable cycle of drugs or alcohol. Through techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and many others, those suffering from anxiety can begin to experience a great freedom from the emotional pain and panic that they thought was unavoidable.

Depression is also very often co-occurring with addiction. Depression is often treated with CBT focused therapy, which is a therapy designed to bring one to a deeper and clearer perception of the world, and help to remove negative filters. Both anxiety and depression can stem from some form of unresolved trauma.

If you or someone you know suffers from duel diagnosis, it is important to find appropriate treatment. Finding the right help can make a world of difference in treatment outcomes for you or your loved one. Finding a clinician or treatment center, depending on the stage of addiction, that offers in-depth quality duel diagnosis treatment is the winning approach in the battle for sobriety. With the progressive and deadly disease of addiction It can make the difference between life and death and at the very least help to increase the quality of a sober life!

Stephen Tomutsa, MA, LPC, LCDC has a private practice in Irving, Texas. He has several years of experience working firsthand with clients in diverse settings, from inpatient psychiatric care to residential and outpatient services. In addition to general mental health and substance abuse counseling, Stephen is trained in EMDR and specializes in trauma, anxiety and duel diagnosis counseling.